Need help to apply to U.K. leading boarding schools?


Only a few days left to apply to Year 9 entry for Eton College, Radley College, Winchester College, Harrow School and some other UK leading boarding schools. Don’t miss the deadlines, some schools do not accept late applications!

Eton College – A boy may be registered up until 30 June of the school year he turns 10 (UK school Year 5).

Radley College – In Year 5, Radley will send you an online entry form and details of how to apply for the ISEB Common Pre-Test.

Winchester College – Submit application by 3 July.

Harrow School – Please register your son for a place at Harrow by 1 July of Year 5.

OXBRiDGE Advisers can represent you to apply to UK leading boarding schools. Our advisers will guide you through every step of the application process. Speak to our advisers now.


Contact us to book a complimentary consultation, our advisers are specialists in helping to find the right school for your child. 

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* Contact us to arrange an accompanied school visit and speak to the Headmaster.