At OXBRIDGE Advisers, we strongly recommend you put in an application for your child as early as possible. 

Main entries for UK independent schools

For most the academic selective independent schools, their standard entrance points are 4+, 7+, 11+, 13+ and 16+. Every school has its own admission progress and deadlines, and a day school and a boarding school can vary a lot in terms of admission dates and selection process. Whether you are looking for pre-preparatory (age 3-7), preparatory (age 7-13), secondary school (age 13-18) or sixth form (age 16-18), we provide one-to-one guidance for each of our pupils. Here are some areas to think about when beginning the application progress.

1. Speak to a local education adviser

If you are thinking to apply for independent schools, the best and quickest way is to speak to someone based in the UK with an established network and experience in UK education and independent school applications. There are more than 2,500 independent schools in the UK so it will be very time consuming and frustrating if you are not sure what you are looking for and whether they are the right choices for your child. At OXBRiDGE Advisers, we will be able to provide the latest admission information as well as reliable feedback from current/previous staff of the schools,  pupils and parents.


2. Understand your child and what you are looking for

With so many choices of independent schools, it is better to begin with one simple question.

What fits your child and your family the best?

Here are some key areas you can start thinking about:

– a day school or boarding school

– single sex or co-educational

– academic or non selective

– A-level or IB curriculum

– location

– areas of interests/focus

– class size

– special needs

– facilities and extra-curricula activities

As we move along the checklist, you will find you might end up with lots of schools which tick the box. But which schools fit your child the best? At OXBRiDGE Advisers, we specialise in helping you to explore your options and guide you throughout the selection process to find the right school.

3. Apply as early as possible

The application deadline for each school can be different. General speaking, it depends on  whether your child is applying to day or boarding schools, pre-preparatory, preparatory or senior schools. Some schools accept application as soon as the child is born, while others accept applications 1-3 years ahead of the year of entry. In this fast changing world, the admission policies of the schools vary year from year.  As we are well connected with UK schools, OXBRiDGE Advisers will keep you on top of the latest updates. Our advisers will guide you through the process smoothly from a detailed consultation, assessments, action plan, application, acceptance of offer, and life after settling down in UK schools.