From initial assessments, getting to know about your child, building an attractive portfolio, establishing relationships with schools, to examination preparation and school application strategy, we are here to provide guidance and professional advice to find the right school for you and your family.

To save you hassle, we offer 3 SIMPLE packages to fit your needs. Choose from our range of services: detailed consultation, academic assessment, tailor-made portfolio, school visits, examination preparation, and acceptance of offer, and settling down in the UK.

School visits with personal meetings with directors or head of school can be arranged in advance. We recommend to get in touch with us as early as possible. School visit bookings are available for Feb/Mar, May/Jun, Sept/Oct/Nov. 


* Additional services and adjustments on scope of services can be provided upon further commnuncations.

How does it work? 

Appointing OXBRiDGE Advisers as your education consultant

We strongly recommend parents get in touch with our advisers as soon as you can (at least 18 months before your target year of entry). Application deadlines for most schools are usually a year ahead. Some boarding schools accept applications 3+ years ahead.

1. Speak to our advisers

We offer a 15-min free initial consultation.

2. Pick a service package

Simply let us know which service package (choosing from above) will fit your needs.

3. Appointing us

As your appointed education consultant, our advisers are the main point of contact between you and the schools.

4. Assessments

Assessments let us understand more about your child’s academic abilities and overall level of emotional intelligence.

5. Building Portfolio

Life is just like building blocks. Our advisers will help you to map out your child’s potential talents, particular interests and overall profile for school application.

6. Prepare and Apply

Preparation for examinations and interviews all help to boost confidence when selecting an appropriate school for your child.

Exam Preparation Plan

Whether it is English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning or Non Verbal Reasoning, our advisers can tailor-make a preparation plan to help your child to familiarise with the latest style of examinations for UK independent schools.

Interview Preparation Lessons

Our interview lessons help boost your child’s confidence and ability to have engaging English cultural conversations. Our advisers work with a pool of experienced tutors to help children improve speaking techniques as well as broaden their knowledge of British schools and history.